Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Remote Debugging with Eclipse

Here is the parameters for JVM to enable debug remotely

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=9999

Put this in startup file of weblogic or tomcat.

The Eclipse Connection

After making sure WebLogic is listening for incoming connections on port 1044, what is left is to tell Eclipse to connect to this port and you are ready to debug.

  1. In Eclipse, navigate to Run >> Open Debug Dialog... (See Figure 2: Create new Remote Java Application configuration in Eclipse ).
  2. Select Remote Java Application , on the left column. Click New , on the bottom of the same column.
  3. In the Create configuration screen you'll be prompted to enter some values. Start with a meaningful name. In my case that's WebLogic Instance . For Project, select the Java project that contains the source code you want to debug. Leave Connection Type in default, i.e. Standard (Socket Attach) . For Host , enter localhost. If you want to debug a remote server, enter its hostname or IP address. For port, enter 9999 or the port you defined in your WebLogic startup script.
  4. Click Apply
  5. Make sure WebLogic instance is running in debug mode. In the same screen click Debug . Eclipse should automatically take you to the Debug perspective and you should see a stack trace in the Debug view.
  6. If you are not automatically taken to the Debug perspective, select Window | Open Perspective | Other and then click Debug.

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