The following notes may be helpful in doing a basic installation of Eclipse. Please note that this does not include the 'tuning' (i.e. setting parameters) that is required to get the installation working correctly.
This is a general purpose IDE used for development. The current version is 3.4 (Ganymede). This must be installed directly from the website (, since the version of eclipse in the repositories is not current.
The original source for these instructions is: The original instructions were applicable to Eclipse Europa and have been updated here to include Ganymede.
As the result of these installation instructions
1. the main eclipse application will be installed in /opt/eclipse.
2. there will be a command shell located in /usr/local/bin.
3. there will be an eclipse folder in /usr/local/share.
4. there will be a desktop launcher (eclipse.desktop) in /usr/share/applications.
Prior to starting this process,
1. sun java jdk must be installed. This may be installed from the repository through synaptic or using a terminal. In the case of terminal, type:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
2. a suitable icon must be found and downloaded. When completed, the icon will be located in /opt/eclipse. A suitable icon is located at and may be initially downloaded to the Desktop or to any other location where it can be easily located.
Installation Instructions
1. Verify that any previous installation has been completely removed. In particular, the following needs to be verified:
a. There is no eclipse folder under /opt. If there is, it must be deleted. Sudo access will be required to delete the folder.
b. There is no eclipse folder under /usr/local/share. If there is, it must be deleted. Sudo access will be required to delete the folder.
b. There is no entry for eclipse in either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. If there is, then the entry must be deleted.
c. There is no entry for eclipse.desktop in /usr/share/applications. If there is, then the entry must be deleted.
b. There is no configuration files for eclipse in the users' home folders. These are hidden directories. If there are any, these must be deleted.
2. Obtain the appropriate file from Only one of the packages is required. The file should be saved to the Desktop.
3. When the download has been completed, open a Terminal and execute the following commands:
cd ~/Desktop
tar xzf eclipse-SDK-3.4-linux-gtk.tar.gz (note that the filename may differ, depending on what was downloaded in step 2)
sudo mv eclipse /opt/eclipse
sudo mv ganymede-logo.png /opt/eclipse (this will move the icon. The filename and location for the logo may differ - depending where it was saved)
cd /opt
sudo chown -R root:root eclipse
sudo chmod -R +r eclipse
cd /opt/eclipse
sudo chmod +x eclipse
4. Create an executable shell for eclipse. This is done through Terminal by executing the following commands:
sudo touch /usr/local/bin/eclipse (this assumes that /usr/local/bin is in the path)
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/eclipse
sudo nano /usr/bin/eclipse (this will open the nano editor)
5. When the eclipse shell file is open (in nano), the following contents need to be inserted and the file saved:
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
6. Create a GNOME menu item. This is done through Terminal by executing the following command:
sudo nano /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
7. When the GNOME menu item is open (in nano), the following contents need to be inserted and the file saved:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Eclipse Ganymede IDE
8. Initialise eclipse by running the following command in Terminal: /opt/eclipse/eclipse --clean.
From this point forward, eclipse may be run from the Application menu.
Please let me know how these work for you, and if you need any additional help.
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