Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring annotations


As is standard with JUnit, each test method runs within its own instance of the TestCase. However, the Spring TestRunner will only create one ApplicationContext for all the instances of the test method. This means that if you're test method destroys the state of a singleton bean, then downstream tests methods using that bean will fail. The way to work around this is to annotate your method with the @DirtiesContext annotation. This tells the Spring TestRunner to reload the context between test methods.


By default, the spring configuration file for the test case will be [TestName]-context.xml. You can easily override this to point the test at your production configuration file. Also, the @Autowired annotation autowires the field by type. In the case of conflicts, you can specify the bean name using the @Qualifier annotation.

Here is the original blog about junit test with spring 2.5

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