Friday, December 3, 2010

Do web auto test with maven integration testing and Selenium RC

Selenium RC allows us to use different language (java, ruby, C, groovy…) to build the test case for web auto testing.  It is better than doing selenium test by html script because in code like java, we can reuse the code.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444,
"*chrome", "http://localhost:7001/");

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

public void testSite() throws Exception {
Site site = createSiteObject();

protected void typeSiteToUIAndSave(final Site site) {
// add new site
selenium.type("site.code", site.getCode().toString());
selenium.type("", site.getName());

protected void verifySite(final Site site) {
verifyEquals(String.valueOf(site.getCode()), selenium.getValue("site.code"));
verifyEquals(site.getName(), selenium.getValue(""));

From the code, you can see typeSiteToUIAndSave method and verifySite was reused a couple of times.

The selenium RC testing need two things:

  1. selenium RC server is running. Maven selenium plugin is able to do that.

  2. the application to be tested is running.

I want to use maven to build the package, then deploy, then run the integration testing by maven. The “deploy” here is not the “deploy” in maven life cycle, as in maven life cycle, “deploy” happens after “integration-test”. We implement the above testing in junit class. The first step “package” will run junit test. Obviously we don’t want the selenium test to be executed before our deploy. To avoid that, we make selenium test class name end with “IT” (integration test) and use the maven-failsafe-plugin to run the integration test. The maven-failsafe-plugin will default look up the classes with name”*IT” and execute them.










Set up maven selenium plugin to start up the RC server before the selenium test is executed


I also setup a sql script to be executed after the selenium test to remove the testing data from the database

                    <!-- specify the dependent JDBC driver here -->
                <!-- common configuration shared by all executions -->

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