Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Exception in OBPM

The exp is in Avio-OBPM Training\Exception Handling\


Here is one sample process.


To create the exception transition for B, do this


If a exception happens in “B” and captured  by “B exception Handler”, it won’t be captured by the “Process Exceptions”.

To create the Process Exceptions


You need create “Exception Handler” that activity first, and then right click on the screen


Here are something copied from the training course book.

For System exception

if it is in automatic activity

  1. The transaction is rolled back
  2. The activity is retried as many times as defined on the Engine’s property setting
  3. If one exists, the instance is routed to the corresponding Exception Catcher
  4. If not caught, the instance goes to the End activity

if it is an interactive activity

  1. The transaction is rolled back
  2. The user receives the Exception on their screen
  3. The instance remains in the interactive activity

For Business exception

for both automatic activity or interactive activity

  1. The transaction is committed (hmm… weird)
  2. the instance is routed to the corresponding Exception Catcher
  3. If not caught, the instance goes to the End activity

When a exception is caught, what can you do?

action = ABORT

  • Aborts the instance. The instance is sent to the End activity and marked as aborted.
  • Warning: instances that are aborted cannot be recovered.

action = BACK

  • Sends the instance back to the activity where the exception occurred
  • Within procedures or atomic groups, the instance goes back to the Begin activity of the procedure

action = SKIP

  • Sends the instance to the activity immediately AFTER the one where an exception occurred.

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